So, today I went to the Claremont Spa and Resort to help set up for the Piedmont Tri-School Annual Parent Fundraiser! During set up, the room was filled with mostly mom’s that have been working on this event for months. The event, I’m sure will be fabulous with live auction, silent auction and gambling.
I helped with the set up. Organizing the tables with the various items. Tonight the event will kick off with a cocktail party in this room. Here are a few pics of the displays that I put together. Leeza Designs also made a donation for a tour and lunch at the Design Center.
Later in the evening I attended the cocktail party and in true James Bond form, there were women with guns strapped to their legs and sassy outfits. I was super impressed by how the whole thing came together!
Elizabeth Barnes is the principal designer at Leeza Designs in Piedmont, CA. She donates her time for auctions providing donations that include color consults or lunch and shopping at the San Francisco Design Center.